Transform your earbuds into the ultimate sports earphones.
Safely listen to music and your environment.
Eliminate tangling and catching that comes with extra cord.

Keep beverages cold while you ride. Secure mounting in up to 8 locations.
Reusable ice packs when you need them. Store easily in freezer or cooler.
Neoprene sleeves fit snugly around beverages and contoured ice packs.
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It never fails: you download a killer track to your iPod, iPhone or Android and get pumped for your workout. You set off, device securely strapped to your arm, the beginning strains of Jay Z, Katy Perry, or One Republic resonating in your ear. Your adrenaline is spiking, motivation soaring, and then suddenlyâsilence. You realize that your tunes have inexplicably … <a href="http://farendgear.com/article/what-to-do-when-your-earbuds-keep-falling-out">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>
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